Trust Governance
Dover Christ Church Academy is part of the Turner Schools Multi Academy Trust.
Our Governance Structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure probity, good governance and outstanding performance.
Members are responsible for determining the governance of the Trust. They approve our Articles of Association and appoint Trustees in accordance with the Articles.
The Board of trustees has collective accountability and responsibility for the academy trust and assuring itself that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements. The academy trust board provides:
• Strategic leadership of the academy trust: the board defines the trust vision for high quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects. It establishes and fosters the trust’s culture and sets and champions the trust strategy including determining what governance functions are delegated to the local tier.
• Accountability and assurance: the board has robust effective oversight of the operations and performance of the academy trust, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping their estate safe and well maintained.
• Engagement: the board has strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders. The board involves parents, schools and communities so that decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement.
All Members, Trustees and Governors complete an annual declaration of personal and pecuniary Interests and declare any updates or interests in meetings. Relevant interest are published.
Delegated responsibilities are set out in the Scheme of Delegation.
View our Articles and Memorandum of Association.
School governance:
The Board of trustees have established an Interim Academy Board (IAB) to support significant school improvement. The Interim Academy Board is a subcommittee of the board and accountable to the Board of trustees. The Interim Academy Board replaces the previous governing body and will remain in place until standards and governance have improved and robustly holds leaders to account. A Challenge & Community Board will then be formed and local governance resumed.
The Interim Academy Board will fulfil the role of local governance and secure a sound basis for the future improvement of the academy.
The IAB holds the Principal and leadership team to account for progress of the School Development Plan priorities, acting as “critical friends” to the Senior Leadership Team to ensure strategic leadership is in place and having the intended outcomes.
In line with CCB responsibilities the Interim Academy Board will carry the Trust’s vision, values, policies and priorities forward, provide internal assurance and develop community links. The Interim Academy Board is part of the leadership of the school and serves as a key link between the schools, parents/carers and the local community.
They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees of any concerns.
Interim Academy Board (IAB)
Chair: Hilary Macdonald
To contact the Chair, please email
IAB Safeguarding Lead: Hilary Macdonald
IAB SEND Lead: Kristina Yates
Careers Lead: Gillian Rowland
Lead Safeguarding Trustee: Dr Toyin Okitikpi
Interim Academy Board
Jason Cook
Jason is Headteacher of an inclusive primary school in Dover. He brings expertise in education leadership, supporting pupils with SEND and safeguarding. Jason is passionate about empowering all pupils to succeed.
Date of appointment: 01.09.2023
Appointed by: Board
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Head Teacher, Whitfield Aspen School
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Governor - Capel Le Ferne Primary school (July 2018- July 2026)
Relationships between other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2024-25: 1/1
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2023-24: 5/5
Hilary Macdonald
Hilary is an Education Consultant with years of experience as a Senior HMI and a specialism in safeguarding.
Hilary is a qualified teacher with successful headship experience of schools facing challenge. She previously worked in local authority children’s services and as an education officer.
Hilary brings expertise in accurately evaluating leadership, quality of education and safeguarding and SEND provision.
Date of appointment: 01.09.2023
Term of Office: 2 years
Appointed by: Trustees
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: Commissioned governance. Provides independent advice to Kent Local Authority, relating to Area SEND inspection
Governance roles in other educational institutions: None
Relationships between other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2024-25: 1/1
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2023-24: 4/5
Seamus Murphy
Seamus is CEO of Turner Schools. He is an experienced leader of schools in challenging circumstances and OFSTED inspector who brings expertise in school improvement, raising standards especially for disadvantaged pupils, provision for SEND pupils and leadership development.
Date of appointment: 01.09.2023
Term of Office: 2 years
Appointed by: Trustees
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: CEO of Turner Schools
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Trustee of Turner Schools
Relationships between other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2024-25: 1/1
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2023-24: 5/5
Peter Ould
Peter is a Manager in the Banking sector and brings extensive expertise in leadership and governance.
Date of appointment: 16.07.2024
Term of Office: 2 years
Appointed by: Trustees
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Governance roles in other educational institutions: Chair of the Local Governing Board of St Stephen's Infant School until 31.08.24
Relationships between other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2024/25: 1/1
Gillian Rowland
Gillian was Partnership Development Lead for Canterbury Christ Church University up to 2022. She is a qualified teacher with experience as Secondary School Teacher and Senior Leader and ITE Senior Lecturer.
Gillian is an experienced School Trustee and Member.
Date of appointment: 01.09.2023
Term of Office: 2 years
Appointed by: Trustees
Relevant business and pecuniary interests: None
Governance roles in other educational institutions: N/A
Relationships between other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): None
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2024-25: 1/1
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2023-24: 5/5
Minutes and further information can be requested via
Governors who have left in the past 12 months
Kristina Yates
Date of leaving: 31.12.2024
Date of appointment: 01.09.2023
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2024-25: 0/1
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2023-24: 5/5
Tracy Luke
Date of leaving: 23.07.2024
Date of appointment: 01.09.2023
Attendance at Interim Academy Board meetings 2023-24: 4/5