Careers Education at DCCA
DCCA Careers Contacts
Turner Schools Trust Head of Careers – Mrs Tibbles
Telephone: 01303 472734
Careers Education
It is part of the vision of Dover Christ Church Academy that all pupils receive careers education, information, advice and guidance that will enable them to choose education and employment pathways that are right for them and are able to manage their careers throughout their lives.
The aim of our careers programme is to:
Enable pupils to make informed choices about their future career paths;
Open pupils’ minds to opportunities of which they may not be aware;
Develop links with a range of community organisations and employers in order to provide pupils with a broad range of opportunities and experiences;
Provide opportunities for pupils to identify their strengths, aspirations and future goals;
Help pupils understand and develop the necessary skills to equip them for whatever career path they choose;
Research and provide up-to-date information about employment, apprenticeships, labour market trends, and Further and Higher Education opportunities.
As pupils progress through the Academy they will participate in a range of careers related activities, including:
Key Stage 4 GCSE options support and guidance
University workshops and visits
Apprenticeship presentations
1 to 1 careers guidance interviews
Post-16 application and progression support
Links with employers, including classroom presentations and workplace visits;
Careers related assemblies; and
Trips to careers fairs.
These sessions will be delivered through assemblies, tutor time, PSHE lessons, special events, trips and stand alone Careers sessions. If events are unable to take place face to face, where possible, we endeavor to adapt activities to suit a virtual environment.
Careers Education is everyone’s responsibility!
Your role as partners in careers:
Teachers and School Staff – To provide pupils with opportunities to discover and learn about careers and employability, engage with the wider business community and with employers inside and outside of the classroom. To link learning with the world of work and discuss experiences, skills development and progression with pupils.
Pupils – To engage with careers events and learning opportunities, ask questions, research and discover all they can about future possibilities. Evaluate and record events.
Parents/Carers – To be aware of the careers events and engage in the events and discussion about careers, progression and opportunities. To use careers resources and websites to help support at home.
Employers and the wider community – We would love to hear from you if you could support the school either by helping with a careers event at the school, at your place of work or by offering work experience.
Measuring Impact
In order to ensure that our careers programme is effective and supports pupils in developing the knowledge and skills they need to progress in their education and future careers, we measure our programme in a variety of ways:
Gatsby Benchmarks – The Gatsby Benchmarks are a nationally recognised framework of 8 guidelines which outline what makes the best careers provision in schools. We use the Compass online tool to measure the effectiveness of our careers programme against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.
Annual pupil survey
Evaluation/feedback forms completed following the career activity
Tracking of pupils' destinations once they leave the Academy